Arcade Machine Cores
The MEGA65 can also be turned into an arcade game machine. As many early arcade games rely on fast reaction times, an FPGA-based recreation is much more faithful than software emulation. Unfortunately, arcade games usually require a complete FPGA slot for a single game.
Important Details about Arcade Games
To recreate the game two parts are needed: An FPGA Core and image files for the ROMs. The Core is like a Core for a home computer and only has the “hardware” part of the machine. It still requires the actual software, which is a seperate file, even if the Core can only play one specific game. Arcade Game ROMs are available in many flavours on internet, but the Core usually requires a very specific format. You need to read the instructions per Core very carefully and follow them to the letter to create the correct files. This in some cases requires Python on your computer. Due to copyright and licensing reasons, there is no official archive where Cores and ROMs sre bundled ready to use.
Some Arcade Machine Cores support “DIP Switches”. This refers to the switches on the arcade board itself and these are shown on screen. Do not open the MEGA65 to change the DIP switches inside.
The Cores on this page are sorted in reverse chronological order of Core release. The newest releases are on top, the oldest on the bottom. By this you can see if there is something new.
Cores Available for all MEGA65
Bomb Jack
Bomb Jack is an Arcade game by Tecmo from 1984.
Please follow the exact installation instructions from here:
Download the Core from the MEGA65 filehost here:
This core requires different downloads based on your MEGA65 revision.
Galaga is an Arcade game by Namco from 1981.
Please follow the exact installation instructions from here:
Download the R3 Core from the MEGA65 filehost here:
Download the R6 Core from the MEGA65 filehost here:
Gaplus is an Arcade game by Namco from 1984.
Please follow the exact installation instructions from here:
Download the Core from the MEGA65 filehost here:
Ghosts ‘n Goblins
This core requires different downloads based on your MEGA65 revision.
Ghosts ‘n Goblins is an Arcade game by Capcom from 1985.
Please follow the exact installation instructions from here:
Download the R3 Core from the MEGA65 filehost here:
Download the R6 Core from the MEGA65 filehost here:
Stargate is an Arcade game by Williams from 1981.
Please follow the exact installation instructions from here:
Download the Core from the MEGA65 filehost here:
Wonder Boy / Sega System 1
Wonder Boy is an Arcade game by Sega from 1986.
Please follow the exact installation instructions from here:
Download the Core from the MEGA65 filehost here:
This core potentially can run other games created for the Sega System 1, but the current release only supports the game Wonder Boy.
Xevious / Super Xevious
This core requires different downloads based on your MEGA65 revision.
Xevious is an Arcade game by Capcom from 1985.
Please follow the exact installation instructions from here:
Download the R3 Core from the MEGA65 filehost here:
Download the R6 Core from the MEGA65 filehost here:
Please note that this Core supports several versions of the game, including the releases from Atari for the USA as well as Super Xevious.
Cores Available only for R3 MEGA65
Elevator Action (R3 only)
This core currently is NOT AVAILABLE for the R6 MEGA65
Elevator Action is an Arcade game by Taito from 1983.
Please follow the exact installation instructions from here:
Download the Core from the MEGA65 filehost here:
Burnin Rubber (R3 only)
This core currently is NOT AVAILABLE for the R6 MEGA65
Burnin Rubber is an Arcade game by Data East from 1982. Outside of Japan it is called Bump ‘n’ Jump.
Please follow the exact installation instructions from here:
Download the Core from the MEGA65 filehost here:
Please note that the Core does not support the US version of this arcade game, called Bump’n’Jump.
Bosconian (R3 only)
This core currently is NOT AVAILABLE for the R6 MEGA65
Bosconian is an Arcade game by Capcom from 1985.
Please follow the exact installation instructions from here:
Download the Core from the MEGA65 filehost here:
All screenshots on this page are sourced from